അർത്ഥം : An earnest and sincere feeling.
പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : earnestness, seriousness
അർത്ഥം : The quality of being open and truthful. Not deceitful or hypocritical.
ഉദാഹരണം :
His sincerity inspired belief.
They demanded some proof of my sincerity.
The quality of not being open or truthful. Deceitful or hypocritical.
falseness, hollowness, insincerityഅർത്ഥം : A quality of naturalness and simplicity.
ഉദാഹരണം :
The simple sincerity of folk songs.
പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : unassumingness
അർത്ഥം : The trait of being serious.
ഉദാഹരണം :
A lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness.
പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : earnestness, serious-mindedness, seriousness