പേജിന്റെ വിലാസം പകർത്തുക ട്വിറ്ററിൽ പങ്കിടുക വാട്ട്സ്ആപ്പിൽ പങ്കിടുക ഫേസ്ബുക്കിൽ പങ്കിടുക
ഗൂഗിൾ പ്ലേയിൽ കയറുക
പര്യായപദങ്ങളും വിപരീതപദങ്ങളും ഉള്ള English എന്ന നിഘണ്ടുവിൽ നിന്നുള്ള passing എന്ന വാക്കിന്റെ അർത്ഥവും ഉദാഹരണവും.

passing   noun

അർത്ഥം : (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate.

ഉദാഹരണം : The coach sent in a passing play on third and long.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : pass, passing game, passing play

അർത്ഥം : Euphemistic expressions for death.

ഉദാഹരണം : Thousands mourned his passing.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : departure, exit, expiration, going, loss, release

അർത്ഥം : The motion of one object relative to another.

ഉദാഹരണം : Stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : passage

അർത്ഥം : The end of something.

ഉദാഹരണം : The passing of winter.

അർത്ഥം : A bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another.

ഉദാഹരണം : The passage of air from the lungs.
The passing of flatus.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : passage

അർത്ഥം : Going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it.

ഉദാഹരണം : She drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : overtaking

അർത്ഥം : Success in satisfying a test or requirement.

ഉദാഹരണം : His future depended on his passing that test.
He got a pass in introductory chemistry.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : pass, qualifying

Failure to reach a minimum required performance.

His failing the course led to his disqualification.
He got two flunks on his report.
failing, flunk

passing   adjective

അർത്ഥം : Lasting a very short time.

ഉദാഹരണം : The ephemeral joys of childhood.
A passing fancy.
Youth's transient beauty.
Love is transitory but it is eternal.
Fugacious blossoms.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : ephemeral, fugacious, short-lived, transient, transitory

അർത്ഥം : Of advancing the ball by throwing it.

ഉദാഹരണം : A team with a good passing attack.
A pass play.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : pass

Of advancing the ball by running.

The team's running plays worked better than its pass plays.

അർത്ഥം : Allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily.

ഉദാഹരണം : A passing grade.

അർത്ഥം : Hasty and without attention to detail. Not thorough.

ഉദാഹരണം : A casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws.
A passing glance.
Perfunctory courtesy.
In his paper, he showed a very superficial understanding of psychoanalytic theory.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : casual, cursory, perfunctory, superficial

passing   adverb

അർത്ഥം : To an extraordinary degree.

ഉദാഹരണം : She was a surpassingly beautiful woman.
I will mention only one particular aspect of the current mess because ... this one is surely something new and passing strange.

പര്യായപദങ്ങൾ : surpassingly